Far Eastern Mathematical Journal

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Dynamics unstability in the mathematical model of salmon's populations number dynamics

E. V. Last, S. P. Luppov, E. Ya. Frisman

2001, issue 1, P. 114–125

Far East salmons are classical example of non-uniform populations. A discrete mathematical model of such populations number dynamics is suggested and investigated. Most particular cases are described in detail. The general algorithm for determine “bifurcation points” is worked out. The basic model was investigated by numerical methods for some real Pacific salmon's populations. Was found all possible variants of number changes and character of stability each of its. Was determined parameters which with population dynamics becomes chaotic.


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[2] A. P. Shapiro, S. P. Luppov, Rekurrentnye uravneniya v teorii populyacionnoj biologii, Nauka, M., 1982.

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