On one extrapolation algorithm for improving the quality of sonar images of the seabed |
Kovalenko E.O., Prokhorov I.V. |
2023, issue 2, P. 211-221 DOI: https://doi.org/10.47910/FEMJ202318 |
Abstract |
The issues of improving the quality of sonar images of the seabed according to measurements of a side-view sonar equipped with several antennas with different widths of the radiation pattern are considered. In the framework of a mathematical model describing the process of pulse sensing in a half-space with diffuse reflection conditions at the boundary, an extrapolation method for suppressing the blurriness of images of the bottom scattering coefficient is proposed. The results of numerical simulations are presented, and the limitations and prospects of applying the extrapolation approach are indicated. |
Keywords: radiation transfer equation, inverse problem, bottom scattering coefficient, side-scan sonar, seabed images, extrapolation. |
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